# Please load the packages.
# Start with a clean workspace
1 Modelling of computer failure data
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.00 1.00 3.00 3.75 5.00 17.00
# 95% Confidence interval
c(3.75-1.96 * 3.381/sqrt(104), 3.75+1.96*3.381/sqrt(104)) # =(3.10,4.40).
## [1] 3.100193 4.399807
<- cfail
x <- length(x)
n <- qnorm(0.975)
h # 95% Confidence interval Using quadratic inversion
mean(x) + (h*h)/(2*n) + c(-1, 1) * h/sqrt(n) * sqrt(h*h/(4*n) + mean(x))
## [1] 3.395836 4.141101
# Modelling
# Observed frequencies
<- as.vector(table(x))
obs_freq # Obtain unique x values
<- sort(unique(x))
xuniques <- mean(x)
lam_hat <- n * dpois(xuniques, lambda=lam_hat)
fit_freq <- round(fit_freq, 1)
fit_freq # Create a data frame for plotting
<- data.frame(xuniques=xuniques, obs_freq = obs_freq, fit_freq=fit_freq)
a barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq), args.legend = list(x = "topright"),
xlab="No of weekly computer failures",
names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE, col=c("darkblue","red"),
legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"),
main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies
for the computer failure data: cfail")
2 Modelling the number of bombhits data
## numberhit freq
## Min. :0.00 Min. : 1.0
## 1st Qu.:1.25 1st Qu.: 14.0
## Median :2.50 Median : 64.0
## Mean :2.50 Mean : 96.0
## 3rd Qu.:3.75 3rd Qu.:181.5
## Max. :5.00 Max. :229.0
# Create a vector of data
<- c(rep(0, 229), rep(1, 211), rep(2, 93), rep(3, 35), rep(4, 7), 5)
x <- c(229, 211, 93, 35, 7, 1) # Frequencies
y <- y/576
rel_freq <- mean(x)
xbar <- dpois(x=0:5, lambda=xbar)
pois_prob <- pois_prob * 576
fit_freq #Check
cbind(x=0:5, obs_freq=y, rel_freq =round(rel_freq, 4),
Poisson_prob=round(pois_prob, 4), fit_freq=round(fit_freq, 1))
## x obs_freq rel_freq Poisson_prob fit_freq
## [1,] 0 229 0.3976 0.3950 227.5
## [2,] 1 211 0.3663 0.3669 211.3
## [3,] 2 93 0.1615 0.1704 98.1
## [4,] 3 35 0.0608 0.0528 30.4
## [5,] 4 7 0.0122 0.0122 7.1
## [6,] 5 1 0.0017 0.0023 1.3
<- y
obs_freq <- 0:5
xuniques <- data.frame(xuniques=0:5, obs_freq =y, fit_freq=fit_freq)
a barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq),
args.legend = list(x = "topright"),
xlab="No of bomb hits",
names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE,
legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"),
main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies
for the number of bomb hits in London")