Section 8.3: Assessing probability of non-compliance in airpollution

Sujit K. Sahu

University of Southampton



This file contains all the code for reproducing the figures and tables for modeling air pollution in the eastern US as discussed in Section 8.3.

## Note the start time
# dpath <- "Your path"
figurepath <- "figures/chap8figures/uspollution/"
filepath <- "txttables/"
# The  folder below contains the results of MCMC runs 
# outputpath <- "mcmc_output_files/uspollution/"
mappath <- "mapfiles"
dpath <- "datafiles/"
load(file=paste0(dpath, "C8euso3.RData"))
## Loading required package: Rcpp
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
##   method from   
##   ggplot2
## Warning in .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, env): undefined subclass
## "numericVector" of class "Mnumeric"; definition not updated
## ## spTimer version: 3.3.1

1 Code to reproduce Figure8.4

grid <- unique(euso3[, 1:3])
##      s.index Longitude Latitude
## 1          1   -85.802   33.281
## 1531       2   -86.137   32.498
## 3061       3   -86.915   33.486
## 4591       4   -87.004   33.331
## 6121       5   -86.817   33.386
## 7651       6   -86.669   33.705
useastmap <- map_data(database="state",regions=eaststates)
 # head(useastmap)
##       lon    lat
## 23 -96.59 48.225
## 24 -96.59 46.950
## 25 -96.59 45.675
## 44 -94.98 48.225
## 45 -94.98 46.950
## 46 -94.98 45.675

 pknots <-  ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
    geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
    geom_point(data=knots.coords.151, aes(x=lon, y =lat),  inherit.aes = FALSE, col="Red",  size=1.5) +
    labs( title= "151 knot sites in the Eastern US", x="", y = "") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
    ggsn::north(data=useastmap, location="bottomright", symbol=12) +
    ggsn::scalebar(data =useastmap, dist =500, location ="bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                   st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84")

 ggsave(file=paste0(figurepath, "usagrid_knots.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

euso3$xsqcmax <- scale(euso3$sqcmax)
sd(euso3$xsqcmax) <- spT.time(t.series =153, segments=10 )
f2 <- o8hrmax ~ xsqcmax

M2 <- Bsptime(formula=f2, data=euso3, package="spTimer", model="GPP", 
              coordtype = "lonlat", coords=2:3, =, 
              prior.phi="Gamm", scale.transform = "SQRT", # validrows=vs, 
              knots.coords = knots.coords.151,, N=3000, = 1000)

table8.2 <- M2$params
dput(table8.2, file=paste0(filepath, "table8.2.txt"))
#outputpath <- "~/Dropbox/sks/bookproject/rbook/mcmc_output_files/uspollution/"
# save(M2, euso3, f2,, knots.coords.151, file=paste0(outputpath, "a1.RData"))

load(file=paste0(outputpath, "a1.RData"))
table8.2 <- M2$params

dput(table8.2, file=paste0(filepath, "table8.2.txt"))
##  The  GPP  model has been fitted using the  spTimer  package.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f1, data = euso3, package = "spTimer", model = "GPP", 
##     coordtype = "lonlat", coords = 2:3, validrows = vs, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##     prior.phi = "Gamm", =, knots.coords = knots.coords.151, 
##     N = 3000, = 1000, = 20)
## 15  - Hour/s. 15  - Mins. 59.49  - Sec.
## Model formula
## o8hrmax ~ xsqcmax
## Parameter Estimates:
##              mean    sd  2.5% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 6.737 0.025 6.709 6.811
## xsqcmax     0.311 0.004 0.304 0.318
## rho         0.355 0.003 0.350 0.361
## sig2eps     0.264 0.000 0.263 0.265
## sig2eta     0.747 0.004 0.739 0.756
## phi         0.003 0.000 0.003 0.003
## Validation Statistics:
##   rmse    mae   crps    cvg 
## 10.454  7.693 15.733 99.555

modfit <- M2$fit
##  [1] "phip"                  "accept"                "nup"                  
##  [4] "sig2eps"               "sig2etap"              "betap"                
##  [7] "rhop"                  "mu_lp"                 "sig2lp"               
## [10] "w0p"                   "wp"                    "fitted"               
## [13] "X"                     "Y"                     "call"                 
## [16] "tol.dist"              "distance.method"       "cov.fnc"              
## [19] "scale.transform"       "sampling.sp.decay"     "covariate.names"      
## [22] "Distance.matrix.knots" "knots.coords"          "coords"               
## [25] "KM"                    "n"                     "r"                    
## [28] "T"                     "p"                     "knots"                
## [31] "initials"              "priors"                "PMCC"                 
## [34] "iterations"            "nBurn"                 "computation.time"     
## [37] ""     "model"                 "parameter"            
## [40] "data"
## [1] 1057230       2
##          Mean        SD
## [1,] 7.227619 0.5446847
## [2,] 7.126412 0.5475193
## [3,] 6.919424 0.5496207
## [4,] 7.528879 0.5401945
## [5,] 7.887672 0.5525673
## [6,] 7.928116 0.5330198
##       Mean              SD        
##  Min.   : 2.723   Min.   :0.4925  
##  1st Qu.: 6.303   1st Qu.:1.1923  
##  Median : 7.029   Median :1.7194  
##  Mean   : 7.011   Mean   :2.0661  
##  3rd Qu.: 7.731   3rd Qu.:2.5893  
##  Max.   :11.491   Max.   :7.3601
## [1] 1510 2000
## [1] 231030   2000
## [1] 1057230      11
## [1]    2 2000
## [1] 231030   2000

## [1] 1057230       2
##   (Intercept)     xsqcmax
## 1           1 -0.34839411
## 2           1 -0.05992703
## 3           1 -0.64090492
## 4           1 -1.45357816
## 5           1 -0.88620073
## 6           1 -0.30624939
ofitted <- modfit$fitted
## [1] 1057230       2
# a <- 1:3
# matrix(rep(a, each=4), byrow=F, ncol=3)
n <- nrow(modfit$X)
sn <- modfit$n
##   s.index Longitude Latitude Year Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder   sqcmax
## 1       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   1   59.75 25.59053      1 5.058708
## 2       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   2   52.75 27.03593      2 5.199608
## 3       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   3   51.75 24.16542      3 4.915833
## 4       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   4   59.38 20.42035      4 4.518888
## 5       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   5   66.17 23.00181      5 4.796020
## 6       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   6   75.50 25.79922      6 5.079294
##       xsqcmax
## 1 -0.34839411
## 2 -0.05992703
## 3 -0.64090492
## 4 -1.45357816
## 5 -0.88620073
## 6 -0.30624939
r <- modfit$r
tn <- modfit$T[1]
itmax <- modfit$iterations - modfit$nBurn
## [1] 1057230
## [1] 691
## [1] 153


## Provides 3 year rolling averages 
three_year_rolling_av <- function(x) { 
  n <- length(x)
  y <- rep(NA, n-2)
  for (k in 3:n) { 
    y[k-2] <- mean(x[(k-2):k])

##          Mean        SD
## [1,] 7.227619 0.5446847
## [2,] 7.126412 0.5475193
## [3,] 6.919424 0.5496207
## [4,] 7.528879 0.5401945
## [5,] 7.887672 0.5525673
## [6,] 7.928116 0.5330198
## [1] 1057230       2

fit4th <-[, 1],
                               by=list(s.index=euso3$s.index, Year=euso3$Year), oz4th)
## [1] 6910    3
##   s.index Year        x
## 1       1 1997 8.542603
## 2       2 1997 8.352123
## 3       3 1997 8.297536
## 4       4 1997 8.285875
## 5       5 1997 8.338782
## 6       6 1997 8.305429
fit4th$x <- (fit4th$x)^2
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   49.93   71.22   77.18   77.63   83.85  109.54
pfit1 <- ggplot(data=fit4th, aes(x=Year, y=x, color=factor(s.index))) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Fitted annual 4th highest ozone") +  
  geom_abline(slope=0, intercept=85, col="black", size=1)+

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "fitted_an4thmax_97_06_base85.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

a <- summaryBy(x ~ s.index, data = fit4th, FUN = three_year_rolling_av)
## [1] 691   9
b <- as.vector(t(a[,-1]))
rolling <- data.frame(s.index=rep(a$s.index, each=8), Year=rep(1999:2006, 691),  ave3=b)
##   s.index Year     ave3
## 1       1 1999 82.78449
## 2       1 2000 85.23552
## 3       1 2001 81.43925
## 4       1 2002 80.91200
## 5       1 2003 77.36652
## 6       1 2004 75.06333

pfit2 <- ggplot(data=rolling, aes(x=Year, y=ave3, color=factor(s.index))) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Fitted three year rolling average") + 
  geom_abline(slope=0, intercept=85, col="black", size=1)+

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "fitted_3yave_99_06_base85.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

## met adjusted 
hatbeta <- get_parameter_estimates(t(modfit$betap))
hatbeta <- hatbeta$mean 
u <- modfit$X
##   (Intercept)     xsqcmax
## 1           1 -0.34839411
## 2           1 -0.05992703
## 3           1 -0.64090492
## 4           1 -1.45357816
## 5           1 -0.88620073
## 6           1 -0.30624939
## [1] 6.7371527 0.3113843

hatxbeta <- modfit$X %*% hatbeta
udat <- ofitted[, 1] - hatxbeta
## [1] 1057230       1
udat <- udat^2
##        V1         
##  Min.   : 0.0000  
##  1st Qu.: 0.1106  
##  Median : 0.4754  
##  Mean   : 0.9707  
##  3rd Qu.: 1.3163  
##  Max.   :17.9384

met4th <-[, 1],
                               by=list(s.index=euso3$s.index, Year=euso3$Year), oz4th)

## [1] 6910    3
##   s.index Year        x
## 1       1 1997 2.815393
## 2       2 1997 2.565974
## 3       3 1997 2.358718
## 4       4 1997 2.410436
## 5       5 1997 2.410536
## 6       6 1997 2.160183
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.133   3.211   4.188   4.334   5.262  12.228
p11 <- ggplot(data=met4th, aes(x=Year, y=x, color=factor(s.index))) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Met adjusted annual 4th highest ozone") +

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "met_adjusted_an4thmax_97_06_base85.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

a <- summaryBy(x ~ s.index, data = met4th, FUN = three_year_rolling_av)
## [1] 691   9

b <- as.vector(t(a[,-1]))
rolling <- data.frame(s.index=rep(a$s.index, each=8), Year=rep(1999:2006, 691),  ave3=b)
##   s.index Year     ave3
## 1       1 1999 4.457021
## 2       1 2000 4.912820
## 3       1 2001 4.567063
## 4       1 2002 4.612157
## 5       1 2003 5.005674
## 6       1 2004 4.988578

p21 <- ggplot(data=rolling, aes(x=Year, y=ave3, color=factor(s.index))) + 
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Met adjusted three year rolling average") +

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "met_adjusted_3yave_99_06_base85.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

##   s.index Year        x
## 1       1 1997 2.815393
## 2       2 1997 2.565974
## 3       3 1997 2.358718
## 4       4 1997 2.410436
## 5       5 1997 2.410536
## 6       6 1997 2.160183
gyear <- unique(euso3[, 1:4]) # includes year 
## [1] 6910    4
##     s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 1         1   -85.802   33.281 1997
## 154       1   -85.802   33.281 1998
## 307       1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460       1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613       1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766       1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## [1] 6910    3
mdat <- met4th[order(met4th$s.index, met4th$Year), ]
##      s.index Year        x
## 1          1 1997 2.815393
## 692        1 1998 5.735940
## 1383       1 1999 4.819730
## 2074       1 2000 4.182790
## 2765       1 2001 4.698668
## 3456       1 2002 4.955011
adat <- merge(mdat, gyear)
##   s.index Year        x Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1997 2.815393   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 1998 5.735940   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 1999 4.819730   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2000 4.182790   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2001 4.698668   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2002 4.955011   -85.802   33.281

adat <- adat[order(adat$s.index, adat$Year), ]
##   s.index Year        x Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1997 2.815393   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 1998 5.735940   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 1999 4.819730   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2000 4.182790   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2001 4.698668   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2002 4.955011   -85.802   33.281
##     s.index         Year            x            Longitude         Latitude    
##  Min.   :  1   Min.   :1997   Min.   : 1.133   Min.   :-95.95   Min.   :25.39  
##  1st Qu.:173   1st Qu.:1999   1st Qu.: 3.211   1st Qu.:-87.42   1st Qu.:35.55  
##  Median :346   Median :2002   Median : 4.188   Median :-83.06   Median :39.30  
##  Mean   :346   Mean   :2002   Mean   : 4.334   Mean   :-82.78   Mean   :38.26  
##  3rd Qu.:519   3rd Qu.:2004   3rd Qu.: 5.262   3rd Qu.:-78.44   3rd Qu.:41.61  
##  Max.   :691   Max.   :2006   Max.   :12.228   Max.   :-68.41   Max.   :48.41
adat$s.index <- as.factor(adat$s.index)
##   s.index Year        x Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1997 2.815393   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 1998 5.735940   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 1999 4.819730   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2000 4.182790   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2001 4.698668   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2002 4.955011   -85.802   33.281

## [1] 6910    5

y1 <-  1999
y2 <-  2005
idy1 <- which(adat$Year==y1)
idy2 <- which(adat$Year==y2)
## [1] 691
## [1] 691
useastmap <- map_data(database="state",regions=eaststates)
##   s.index Year        x Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1997 2.815393   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 1998 5.735940   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 1999 4.819730   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2000 4.182790   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2001 4.698668   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2002 4.955011   -85.802   33.281
ptrend <- 100*(adat[idy2, "x"] -  adat[idy1, "x"])/adat[idy1, "x"]
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  -69.02  -38.96  -27.19  -13.29  -12.46  237.31
v <- cbind(adat[idy2, "x"], adat[idy1, "x"], ptrend)
##                          ptrend
## [1,] 5.371857 4.819730 11.45554
## [2,] 5.417788 4.129024 31.21231
## [3,] 4.661045 3.625279 28.57064
## [4,] 5.026614 3.448682 45.75463
## [5,] 4.985810 3.625865 37.50679
## [6,] 4.190312 3.400243 23.23566
ptrend1 <- 0.5 * (ptrend - min(ptrend))/(max(ptrend) - min(ptrend))
##     s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 1         1   -85.802   33.281 1997
## 154       1   -85.802   33.281 1998
## 307       1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460       1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613       1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766       1   -85.802   33.281 2002
ggrid <- unique(gyear[, 1:3])
ptsum <- data.frame(ggrid, ptrend =ptrend, rtrend=ptrend1)
ptsum$rtrend[ptsum$ptrend<0] <- ptsum$rtrend[ptsum$ptrend<0] * 2
ptsum$col <- sign(ptsum$ptrend)
##  -1   1 
## 571 120
ptsum$trend <- factor(ptsum$col, levels=c("-1", "1"), labels=c("-ve", "+ve"))
trendp <-  ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r = rtrend, fill=trend),  inherit.aes = FALSE,data = ptsum) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#006600", "#FF0000")) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#006600", "#FF0000")) + 
   labs( title= paste("Met adjusted RPCT for ", y2, " (base ",y1, ")"),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
  ggsn::north(data=useastmap, location="bottomright", symbol=12) +
  ggsn::scalebar(data =useastmap, dist =500, location ="bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                 st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") 

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "met_adjusted_4thmax_99_05.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

## Above plot for rolling 3 year averages 

##   s.index Year     ave3
## 1       1 1999 4.457021
## 2       1 2000 4.912820
## 3       1 2001 4.567063
## 4       1 2002 4.612157
## 5       1 2003 5.005674
## 6       1 2004 4.988578
## [1] 5528    3
rgyear <- unique(euso3[, 1:4]) # includes year 
## [1] 6910    4
rgyear <- rgyear[rgyear$Year>1998, ]
## [1] 5528    4
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 307        1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460        1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613        1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766        1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## 919        1   -85.802   33.281 2003
## 1072       1   -85.802   33.281 2004

rdat <- rolling[order(rolling$s.index, rolling$Year), ]
##   s.index Year     ave3
## 1       1 1999 4.457021
## 2       1 2000 4.912820
## 3       1 2001 4.567063
## 4       1 2002 4.612157
## 5       1 2003 5.005674
## 6       1 2004 4.988578
adat <- merge(rdat, rgyear)
##   s.index Year     ave3 Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1999 4.457021   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 2000 4.912820   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 2001 4.567063   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2002 4.612157   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2003 5.005674   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2004 4.988578   -85.802   33.281

adat <- adat[order(adat$s.index, adat$Year), ]
##   s.index Year     ave3 Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1999 4.457021   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 2000 4.912820   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 2001 4.567063   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2002 4.612157   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2003 5.005674   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2004 4.988578   -85.802   33.281
##     s.index         Year           ave3         Longitude         Latitude    
##  Min.   :  1   Min.   :1999   Min.   :1.477   Min.   :-95.95   Min.   :25.39  
##  1st Qu.:173   1st Qu.:2001   1st Qu.:3.647   1st Qu.:-87.42   1st Qu.:35.55  
##  Median :346   Median :2002   Median :4.445   Median :-83.06   Median :39.30  
##  Mean   :346   Mean   :2002   Mean   :4.478   Mean   :-82.78   Mean   :38.26  
##  3rd Qu.:519   3rd Qu.:2004   3rd Qu.:5.271   3rd Qu.:-78.44   3rd Qu.:41.61  
##  Max.   :691   Max.   :2006   Max.   :9.277   Max.   :-68.41   Max.   :48.41
adat$s.index <- as.factor(adat$s.index)
##   s.index Year     ave3 Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1999 4.457021   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 2000 4.912820   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 2001 4.567063   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2002 4.612157   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2003 5.005674   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2004 4.988578   -85.802   33.281

## [1] 5528    5

y1 <-  1999
y2 <-  2005
idy1 <- which(adat$Year==y1)
idy2 <- which(adat$Year==y2)
## [1] 691
## [1] 691
##                          ptrend
## [1,] 5.371857 4.819730 11.45554
## [2,] 5.417788 4.129024 31.21231
## [3,] 4.661045 3.625279 28.57064
## [4,] 5.026614 3.448682 45.75463
## [5,] 4.985810 3.625865 37.50679
## [6,] 4.190312 3.400243 23.23566
##   s.index Year     ave3 Longitude Latitude
## 1       1 1999 4.457021   -85.802   33.281
## 2       1 2000 4.912820   -85.802   33.281
## 3       1 2001 4.567063   -85.802   33.281
## 4       1 2002 4.612157   -85.802   33.281
## 5       1 2003 5.005674   -85.802   33.281
## 6       1 2004 4.988578   -85.802   33.281
ptrend <- 100*(adat[idy2, "ave3"] -  adat[idy1, "ave3"])/adat[idy1, "ave3"]
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -44.974 -28.395 -20.552  -6.301  -3.646 175.630
v <- cbind(adat[idy2, "ave3"], adat[idy1, "ave3"], ptrend)
##                          ptrend
## [1,] 5.127526 4.457021 15.04378
## [2,] 5.866974 3.958567 48.20954
## [3,] 4.946557 3.264785 51.51249
## [4,] 5.404193 3.252318 66.16435
## [5,] 5.246021 3.332351 57.42703
## [6,] 4.173957 3.249867 28.43472
ptrend1 <- 0.5 * (ptrend - min(ptrend))/(max(ptrend) - min(ptrend))
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 307        1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460        1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613        1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766        1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## 919        1   -85.802   33.281 2003
## 1072       1   -85.802   33.281 2004
ggrid <- unique(rgyear[, 1:3])
ptsum <- data.frame(ggrid, ptrend =ptrend, rtrend=ptrend1)
ptsum$rtrend[ptsum$ptrend<0] <- ptsum$rtrend[ptsum$ptrend<0] *2
ptsum$col <- sign(ptsum$ptrend)
##  -1   1 
## 544 147
ptsum$trend <- factor(ptsum$col, levels=c("-1", "1"), labels=c("-ve", "+ve"))
rtrendp <-  ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#006600", "#FF0000")) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#006600", "#FF0000")) + 
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r = rtrend, fill=trend),  inherit.aes = FALSE,data = ptsum) + 
  labs( title= paste("Met adjusted RPCT in rolling averages for ", y2, " (base ",y1, ")"),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
  ggsn::north(data=useastmap, location="bottomright", symbol=12) +
  ggsn::scalebar(data =useastmap, dist =500, location ="bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                 st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") 

ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "met_adjusted_3ave_99_05.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

## Probability of compliance 
##   s.index Longitude Latitude Year Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder   sqcmax
## 1       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   1   59.75 25.59053      1 5.058708
## 2       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   2   52.75 27.03593      2 5.199608
## 3       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   3   51.75 24.16542      3 4.915833
## 4       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   4   59.38 20.42035      4 4.518888
## 5       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   5   66.17 23.00181      5 4.796020
## 6       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   6   75.50 25.79922      6 5.079294
##       xsqcmax
## 1 -0.34839411
## 2 -0.05992703
## 3 -0.64090492
## 4 -1.45357816
## 5 -0.88620073
## 6 -0.30624939

a <- (sqrt(euso3$o8hrmax) - ofitted[,1])^2
sqrt(mean(a, na.rm=T))
## [1] 0.4570944
##          Mean        SD
## [1,] 7.227619 0.5446847
## [2,] 7.126412 0.5475193
## [3,] 6.919424 0.5496207
## [4,] 7.528879 0.5401945
## [5,] 7.887672 0.5525673
## [6,] 7.928116 0.5330198
## [1] "matrix" "array"
ofitted <- data.frame(ofitted)
ofitted$rownumber <- 1:nrow(ofitted)
ofitted$s.index <- euso3$s.index
ofitted$Year <- euso3$Year
ofitted$time <- rep(1:153, 6910) 
##       Mean        SD rownumber s.index Year time
## 1 7.227619 0.5446847         1       1 1997    1
## 2 7.126412 0.5475193         2       1 1997    2
## 3 6.919424 0.5496207         3       1 1997    3
## 4 7.528879 0.5401945         4       1 1997    4
## 5 7.887672 0.5525673         5       1 1997    5
## 6 7.928116 0.5330198         6       1 1997    6
##   s.index Longitude Latitude Year Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder   sqcmax
## 1       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   1   59.75 25.59053      1 5.058708
## 2       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   2   52.75 27.03593      2 5.199608
## 3       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   3   51.75 24.16542      3 4.915833
## 4       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   4   59.38 20.42035      4 4.518888
## 5       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   5   66.17 23.00181      5 4.796020
## 6       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   6   75.50 25.79922      6 5.079294
##       xsqcmax
## 1 -0.34839411
## 2 -0.05992703
## 3 -0.64090492
## 4 -1.45357816
## 5 -0.88620073
## 6 -0.30624939

oz4throw <- function(x){
  k <- length(x)
  y <- data.frame(x=x, number=1:k)
  y <- y[order(y$x), ]

ids <- summaryBy(Mean ~ s.index+Year, data = ofitted, FUN = oz4throw)

##   s.index Year Mean.oz4throw
## 1       1 1997           142
## 2       1 1998           121
## 3       1 1999           127
## 4       1 2000           121
## 5       1 2001            49
## 6       1 2002           133
colnames(ids)[3] <- "time"
##   s.index Year time
## 1       1 1997  142
## 2       1 1998  121
## 3       1 1999  127
## 4       1 2000  121
## 5       1 2001   49
## 6       1 2002  133
u <- merge(ids, ofitted)
dim(u) # 6910 rows
## [1] 6910    6
##   s.index Year time     Mean        SD rownumber
## 1       1 1997  142 8.542603 0.5432913       142
## 2       1 1998  121 9.441528 0.5462202       274
## 3       1 1999  127 9.286278 0.5464004       433
## 4       1 2000  121 8.962653 0.5515905       580
## 5       1 2001   49 8.817803 0.5377157       661
## 6       1 2002  133 9.200718 0.5519402       898

highsum <- cbind(u$Mean, u$SD)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
## [1] 6910    2
##          [,1]      [,2]
## [1,] 8.542603 0.5432913
## [2,] 9.441528 0.5462202
## [3,] 9.286278 0.5464004
## [4,] 8.962653 0.5515905
## [5,] 8.817803 0.5377157
## [6,] 9.200718 0.5519402
gyear <- unique(euso3[, 1:4])
##     s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 1         1   -85.802   33.281 1997
## 154       1   -85.802   33.281 1998
## 307       1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460       1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613       1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766       1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## [1] 6910    4

##   s.index Longitude Latitude Year Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder   sqcmax
## 1       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   1   59.75 25.59053      1 5.058708
## 2       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   2   52.75 27.03593      2 5.199608
## 3       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   3   51.75 24.16542      3 4.915833
## 4       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   4   59.38 20.42035      4 4.518888
## 5       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   5   66.17 23.00181      5 4.796020
## 6       1   -85.802   33.281 1997     5   6   75.50 25.79922      6 5.079294
##       xsqcmax
## 1 -0.34839411
## 2 -0.05992703
## 3 -0.64090492
## 4 -1.45357816
## 5 -0.88620073
## 6 -0.30624939
euso3$time <- rep(1:153, 6910) 
v <- merge(ids, euso3)
## [1] 6910   12
##   s.index Year time Longitude Latitude Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder
## 1       1 1997  142   -85.802   33.281     9  19   69.25 35.07221    142
## 2       1 1998  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   99.00 36.06224    274
## 3       1 1999  127   -85.802   33.281     9   4   84.00 33.93251    433
## 4       1 2000  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   80.50 35.32145    580
## 5       1 2001   49   -85.802   33.281     6  18   68.25 32.42145    661
## 6       1 2002  133   -85.802   33.281     9  10   83.00 35.85556    898
##     sqcmax   xsqcmax
## 1 5.922180 1.4194059
## 2 6.005184 1.5893424
## 3 5.825162 1.2207798
## 4 5.943185 1.4624108
## 5 5.693983 0.9522157
## 6 5.987952 1.5540616
v <- v[order(v$s.index, v$Year, v$torder), ]
##   s.index Year time Longitude Latitude Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder
## 1       1 1997  142   -85.802   33.281     9  19   69.25 35.07221    142
## 2       1 1998  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   99.00 36.06224    274
## 3       1 1999  127   -85.802   33.281     9   4   84.00 33.93251    433
## 4       1 2000  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   80.50 35.32145    580
## 5       1 2001   49   -85.802   33.281     6  18   68.25 32.42145    661
## 6       1 2002  133   -85.802   33.281     9  10   83.00 35.85556    898
##     sqcmax   xsqcmax
## 1 5.922180 1.4194059
## 2 6.005184 1.5893424
## 3 5.825162 1.2207798
## 4 5.943185 1.4624108
## 5 5.693983 0.9522157
## 6 5.987952 1.5540616

sum4thstat <-, fitmean=highsum[,1], fitsd=highsum[,2])
##   s.index Year time Longitude Latitude Month Day o8hrmax     cMAX torder
## 1       1 1997  142   -85.802   33.281     9  19   69.25 35.07221    142
## 2       1 1998  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   99.00 36.06224    274
## 3       1 1999  127   -85.802   33.281     9   4   84.00 33.93251    433
## 4       1 2000  121   -85.802   33.281     8  29   80.50 35.32145    580
## 5       1 2001   49   -85.802   33.281     6  18   68.25 32.42145    661
## 6       1 2002  133   -85.802   33.281     9  10   83.00 35.85556    898
##     sqcmax   xsqcmax  fitmean     fitsd
## 1 5.922180 1.4194059 8.542603 0.5432913
## 2 6.005184 1.5893424 9.441528 0.5462202
## 3 5.825162 1.2207798 9.286278 0.5464004
## 4 5.943185 1.4624108 8.962653 0.5515905
## 5 5.693983 0.9522157 8.817803 0.5377157
## 6 5.987952 1.5540616 9.200718 0.5519402
# Not used any more

 a <- three_year_rolling(high4summary=highsum, sn=sn, r=r, itmax=1000)
## [1] 5528 1000
# head(a)

pgreatsqrty85 <- function(x) {

v <- apply(a, 1, pgreatsqrty85)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.0050  0.3205  0.2841  0.4620  0.9860

gyear <- unique(euso3[, 1:4])
##     s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 1         1   -85.802   33.281 1997
## 154       1   -85.802   33.281 1998
## 307       1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460       1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613       1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766       1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## [1] 6910    4
rgyear <- gyear[gyear$Year>1998, ]
## [1] 5528    4
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year
## 307        1   -85.802   33.281 1999
## 460        1   -85.802   33.281 2000
## 613        1   -85.802   33.281 2001
## 766        1   -85.802   33.281 2002
## 919        1   -85.802   33.281 2003
## 1072       1   -85.802   33.281 2004
rgyear$pg85 <- v
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85
## 307        1   -85.802   33.281 1999 0.367
## 460        1   -85.802   33.281 2000 0.514
## 613        1   -85.802   33.281 2001 0.275
## 766        1   -85.802   33.281 2002 0.243
## 919        1   -85.802   33.281 2003 0.083
## 1072       1   -85.802   33.281 2004 0.039

b <- c(-Inf, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.01)
labss <- c("0-0.25", "0.25-0.50", "0.50-0.75", "0.75-1")

# b <- c(-Inf, 0.5, 0.90, 1.01)
# labss <- c("0-0.5", "0.5-0.9", "0.9-1")

rgyear$compliant <- cut(rgyear$pg85, breaks = b, labels =labss)
##    0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-0.75    0.75-1 
##      2333      2209       916        70
com <- c("green4", "dodgerblue4", "orange", "red")
rgyear$pnew85 <- rgyear$pg85 
# rgyear$pnew85[rgyear$pnew85<0.75] <- rgyear$pg85[rgyear$pnew85<0.75] * 2
# rgyear$pnew85[rgyear$pnew85<0.5] <- rgyear$pg85[rgyear$pnew85<0.5] * 2

rgyear$pnew85 <-   rgyear$pnew85

y1 <-  1999
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 307        1   -85.802   33.281 1999 0.367 0.25-0.50  0.367
## 1837       2   -86.137   32.498 1999 0.022    0-0.25  0.022
## 3367       3   -86.915   33.486 1999 0.337 0.25-0.50  0.337
## 4897       4   -87.004   33.331 1999 0.353 0.25-0.50  0.353
## 6427       5   -86.817   33.386 1999 0.304 0.25-0.50  0.304
## 7957       6   -86.669   33.705 1999 0.289 0.25-0.50  0.289
complot99 <-  ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2000
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 460        1   -85.802   33.281 2000 0.514 0.50-0.75  0.514
## 1990       2   -86.137   32.498 2000 0.119    0-0.25  0.119
## 3520       3   -86.915   33.486 2000 0.382 0.25-0.50  0.382
## 5050       4   -87.004   33.331 2000 0.349 0.25-0.50  0.349
## 6580       5   -86.817   33.386 2000 0.369 0.25-0.50  0.369
## 8110       6   -86.669   33.705 2000 0.197    0-0.25  0.197

complot00 <- ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2001
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 613        1   -85.802   33.281 2001 0.275 0.25-0.50  0.275
## 2143       2   -86.137   32.498 2001 0.061    0-0.25  0.061
## 3673       3   -86.915   33.486 2001 0.313 0.25-0.50  0.313
## 5203       4   -87.004   33.331 2001 0.333 0.25-0.50  0.333
## 6733       5   -86.817   33.386 2001 0.365 0.25-0.50  0.365
## 8263       6   -86.669   33.705 2001 0.178    0-0.25  0.178

complot01 <- ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2002
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 766        1   -85.802   33.281 2002 0.243    0-0.25  0.243
## 2296       2   -86.137   32.498 2002 0.049    0-0.25  0.049
## 3826       3   -86.915   33.486 2002 0.507 0.50-0.75  0.507
## 5356       4   -87.004   33.331 2002 0.537 0.50-0.75  0.537
## 6886       5   -86.817   33.386 2002 0.576 0.50-0.75  0.576
## 8416       6   -86.669   33.705 2002 0.184    0-0.25  0.184

complot02 <- ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2003
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 919        1   -85.802   33.281 2003 0.083    0-0.25  0.083
## 2449       2   -86.137   32.498 2003 0.012    0-0.25  0.012
## 3979       3   -86.915   33.486 2003 0.520 0.50-0.75  0.520
## 5509       4   -87.004   33.331 2003 0.562 0.50-0.75  0.562
## 7039       5   -86.817   33.386 2003 0.555 0.50-0.75  0.555
## 8569       6   -86.669   33.705 2003 0.291 0.25-0.50  0.291

complot03 <- ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2004
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year  pg85 compliant pnew85
## 1072       1   -85.802   33.281 2004 0.039    0-0.25  0.039
## 2602       2   -86.137   32.498 2004 0.012    0-0.25  0.012
## 4132       3   -86.915   33.486 2004 0.360 0.25-0.50  0.360
## 5662       4   -87.004   33.331 2004 0.427 0.25-0.50  0.427
## 7192       5   -86.817   33.386 2004 0.343 0.25-0.50  0.343
## 8722       6   -86.669   33.705 2004 0.189    0-0.25  0.189

complot04 <-  ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2005
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year pg85 compliant pnew85
## 1225       1   -85.802   33.281 2005    0    0-0.25      0
## 2755       2   -86.137   32.498 2005    0    0-0.25      0
## 4285       3   -86.915   33.486 2005    0    0-0.25      0
## 5815       4   -87.004   33.331 2005    0    0-0.25      0
## 7345       5   -86.817   33.386 2005    0    0-0.25      0
## 8875       6   -86.669   33.705 2005    0    0-0.25      0

complot05 <- ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

y1 <-  2006
idy <- which(rgyear$Year==y1)
probmat <- rgyear[idy, ]
##      s.index Longitude Latitude Year pg85 compliant pnew85
## 1378       1   -85.802   33.281 2006    0    0-0.25      0
## 2908       2   -86.137   32.498 2006    0    0-0.25      0
## 4438       3   -86.915   33.486 2006    0    0-0.25      0
## 5968       4   -87.004   33.331 2006    0    0-0.25      0
## 7498       5   -86.817   33.386 2006    0    0-0.25      0
## 9028       6   -86.669   33.705 2006    0    0-0.25      0

complot06 <-   ggplot(data=useastmap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
  geom_polygon(colour='black',size=0.8, fill=NA) +
  geom_circle(aes(x0 = Longitude, y0 = Latitude, r =pnew85, col=compliant, fill=compliant), inherit.aes = FALSE,data = probmat) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("Probability"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))+
  scale_color_manual(values =com) +
  guides(colour=FALSE) + 
  labs( title= paste("Probability of non-compliance: ", y1),   x="", y = "") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) 
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

png(filename = paste0(figurepath, "compliance_plot_05.png"))
## png 
##   2

png(filename = paste0(figurepath, "compliance_plot_06.png"))
## png 
##   2

a <- get_legend(complot99, position = "bottom")
   complot99,  complot00, complot01, complot02, 
  common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top", nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "prob99-02.png"), device = "png")
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
  complot03,  complot04, complot05, complot06, 
  common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top", nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "prob03-06.png"), device = "png")
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
# All done 
end.time <- proc.time()[3]
comp.time<- (end.time-start.time)/60
# comp.time<-fancy.time(comp.time)
##  elapsed 
## 1.965983